Section: Software and Platforms

Génolevures On Line: Comparative Genomics of Yeasts

Participants : Pascal Durrens [correspondant] , Natalia Golenetskaya, Tiphaine Martin, David James Sherman.

The Génolevures online database provides tools and data for exploring the annotated genome sequences of more than 20 genomes, determined and manually annotated by the Génolevures Consortium to facilitate comparative genomic studies of hemiascomycetous yeasts. Data are presented with a focus on relations between genes and genomes: conservation of genes and gene families, speciation, chromosomal reorganization and synteny. The Génolevures site includes a private collaboration area for specific studies by members of its international community. The contents of the knowledge base are expanded and maintained by the CNRS through GDR 2354 Génolevures, and full data may be downloaded from the site. Génolevures online uses our open-source MAGUS system for genome navigation, with project-specific extensions developed by David Sherman, Pascal Durrens, and Tiphaine Martin; these extensions are not made available due to incertainty about intellectual property rights. For more information see the Génolevures web site. (http://www.genolevures.org/ )